The CAD method would gain considerable power if the AFT data were
complemented by (U-Th)/He measurements as was done by Stock et
al. [2007] for two catchments in the Sierra Nevada. Whereas the
AFT CAD serves as a proxy for the PAZ curve, the (U-Th)/He CAD would
be a proxy for the Partial Retention Zone (PRZ) curve. Because
(U-Th)/He ages from the northern White Mountains have already been
measured [Stockli et al., 2000], this would be relatively easy
to do. Measurement uncertainities of single grain (U-Th)/He
measurements are approximately normally distributed, and typically
much smaller than single grain AFT measurement uncertainties.
Unfortunately, this is only true for inclusion-free apatites. The
vast majority of igneous apatites contain abundant -emitting
mineral inclusions such as zircon and monazite, and the Pelissier
Flats apatites are no exception to this. In basement studies,
inclusion-free apatites are carefully selected under a binocular
microscope. Not only would doing this for
100 detrital grains
be very time consuming, it would create potentially biased samples.
Therefore, detrital (U-Th)/He studies should also consider
inclusion-bearing grains [Vermeesch et al., 2007].
Another approach to obtain more and better information from the AFT
data is by artificially increasing the number of confined fission
tracks through heavy-ion irradiation or exposure to Cf [e.g.,
Ohira et al., 1994]. Like the AFT ages, fission track lengths
show a dependence on paleodepth (and thus elevation). At low and high
paleodepths well above or below the paleo-PAZ, fission tracks are
long, whereas in the PAZ, short tracks also exist. Each AFT age on
Figure 1.a corresponds to a characteristic
distribution of horizontally confined fission track (HCFT) lengths.
Heavy ion irradiation or bombardment by
Cf fission fragments
provides pathways through which the etching acid can reach more HCFTs,
up to a point where there is more than one HCFT per apatite grain,
even for samples with low numbers of spontaneous fission tracks [ Ohira et al., 1994]. If the HCFT lengths and AFT ages of the same
grains are measured, the provenance paleodepth distribution can be
determined more reliably than by only using the AFT ages. The Marble
Creek catchment would be the perfect test-case for this technique,
because the HCFT-length distribution of the basement is known [ Stockli et al., 2000, 2003].