Radiometric cooling ages (Ar/
Ar, fission track,
(U-Th)/He) of exhumed fault blocks generally increase with elevation.
For catchments draining such terranes, it is possible to predict
detrital age distributions if the relationship between age and
elevation is either assumed or known, if the catchment hypsometry is
known, and under some additional assumptions, which are discussed
A few studies have explored this for the Ar/
Ar system.
If erosion is in a steady state over geologic time, then
Ar cooling ages are expected to decrease linearly
with depth, or increase linearly with elevation. In a theoretical
study, Stock and Montgomery [1996] argue that, under the
assumption of a thermal gradient, the range of detrital cooling
ages can be used to estimate (paleo-)relief. Going one step further,
Brewer et al. (2003) proposed a method to estimate average
basin-wide erosion rates by matching the shape of detrital age
distributions with the area-elevation curve (= ``hypsometry'') of the
catchment. In a recent paper, Ruhl and Hodges [2005] introduced
a hybrid approach using an extensive dataset of 692 detrital muscovite
Ar ages from four catchments in the Himalaya.
Average basin-wide erosion rates were estimated from the range of
detrital cooling ages, while the shape of the detrital age
distributions was used to test the validity of several assumptions
made by Stock and Montgomery [1996] and Brewer et al.
[2003]: (1) the assumption of steady-state erosion and topography,
which is required for a predictable (typically linear) age-elevation
curve, and (2) the assumptions of uniform modern erosion rates,
negligible sediment storage in the catchment and adequate mixing of
the sediments, which are necessary for the convolution of this
age-elevation curve with the catchment hypsometry, but may be
invalidated by inhomogeneous lithologies, structural geology or the
presence or absence of vegetation.
If these assumptions hold, Ruhl and Hodges [2005] argue, then
the hypsometric curve must match the observed detrital age
distribution. Strictly speaking, this does not mean that all
assumptions hold if and only if the hypsometry matches the measured
detrital age distribution. More importantly, if the measured age
distribution does not match the hypsometry, it is difficult to
assess which of the assumptions were violated and to what extent. In
only one of Ruhl and Hodges' [2005] four catchments did the
measured match the predicted age distribution, indicating that
steady-state erosion might exist. For the other three catchments, it
is unclear whether this means that erosion and topography are not in
steady-state, erosion rates are not uniform or sediments are not well
mixed. Is one problem responsible for all catchments or are different
assumptions violated in different catchments? For each of the
previous studies, the age-elevation relationship was unkown. If
known, would that have explained the mismatches that resulted from
assuming a linear age-elevation relation? The present paper avoids
many of these questions in a carefully selected field area, where
assumption 1 is not necessary, enabling a semi-quantitative assessment
of assumption 2. The following sections will outline a method to map
out the erosion rate distribution in a watershed by looking at the
frequency distribution of detrital fission track cooling ages in
apatite crystals derived from it. This idea was independently
developed and published by Stock et al. [2006], who studied
detrital (U-Th)/He ages from two catchments in the eastern Sierra
Nevada, on the opposite side of the Owens Valley. Although the basic
idea behind the work of Stock et al. [2006] is identical to the
present study, there are important methodological differences in the
way the data are interpreted (Section 2).
The method is illustrated in the context of a simple drainage basin in
the White Mountains, an eastward-tilted fault block on the
California-Nevada border. The S-N trending White Mountains fault
block is bounded on the west by the White Mountains fault zone, which
is dated at 12 Ma by AFT and (U-Th)/He dating at different structural
levels on the fault block [Stockli et al., 2000, 2003]. A
mid-Miocene erosional unconformity found on the eastern flank of the
northern White Mountains is tilted 25
to the east [ Stockli et al., 2000, 2003]. Linearly extrapolating this Miocene
paleo-surface would imply up to 8 km of normal displacement along the
White Mountains fault zone. The eastern boundary of the White
Mountains is marked by the dextral Fish Lake fault zone, which
initiated at 6 Ma, and corresponds to the onset of strike-slip motion
on the Walker Lane Belt [Stewart, 1988; Reheis and Dixon,
1996; Reheis and Sawyer, 1997]. At 3 Ma, the White Mountains
fault zone was reactivated in an oblique right-lateral strike-slip
sense, marking the progression of Walker Lane tectonism from east to
west [Stockli et al., 2003]. The dip-slip component of motion
was large enough that its signal can be recognized in the exhumed
(U-Th)/He Partial Retention Zone (PRZ) of the northern White Mountains
[Stockli et al., 2000, 2003].
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Stockli et al. [2000] measured AFT and apatite (U-Th)/He ages
along a transect in the northern White Mountains (Figures
1 and 2), revealing an exhumed
fission track Partial Annealing Zone (PAZ, Figure
1.a). Defining ``paleodepth'' as the perpendicular
distance to the assumed tilted mid-Miocene erosional surface, each
paleodepth in Figure 1.a corresponds to a unique AFT
age and conversely, each AFT age corresponds to a unique paleodepth.
AFT ages can be predicted by computing the paleodepth for each pixel
of a digital elevation model (DEM), and assigning the corresponding
AFT age to it. This is exactly how Figure 1.b was
generated. The paleodepth values of Stockli et al. [2000] are
based on the interpretation that a bedding dip in the eastern White
Mountains could be reliably projected across the range into space
(Figure 1.b). It is, however, possible that this
surface was folded, potentially causing significant uncertainties on
the paleodepths. This would have little or no effect on the
reconstructed AFT age-distribution. Paleodepth is just used as an
intermediate step between AFT age and topography. Exactly via which
numerical paleodepth-value an AFT age is mapped to a topographic
location is irrelevant, as long as the mapping is correct.
If we assume that the sand grains were uniformly derived from the
entire drainage (assumption 2 of Ruhl and Hodges, 2005), it is
possible to predict the detrital AFT grain-age distribution. Detrital
thermochronological data are usually represented by estimates of their
probability density, whose interpretation often involves deconvolution
into Gaussian subpopulations [Galbraith and Green, 1990; Brandon, 1996]. Cumulative distributions are an alternative to
probability density estimates that have recently gained considerable
popularity [Brewer et al, 2003; Amidon et al., 2005; Ruhl and Hodges, 2005; Hodges et al., 2005]. This paper
introduces a new kind of cumulative distribution which is slightly
different from these previous studies. The reasons why this so-called
``Cumulative Age Distribution'' is preferred to probability density
estimates and previous cumulative probability curves are discussed in
the following section.
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