Next: Figures
Up: Tectonic discrimination diagrams revisited
Previous: Tables
- Linear discriminant analysis
- The difference between PCA and LDA
- The consequences of the constant-sum constraint
- Spurious correlation of ratios
- The dangers of using ``traditional'' statistics on the simplex
- Mapping compositional data from to
- Linear discriminant analysis done the wrong way
- Linear discriminant analysis done the right way
- Results of the linear discriminant analysis mapped back to the simplex
- Geographical locations of the training data
- Linear discriminant analysis of the Ti-V system of Shervais (1982)
- Quadratic discriminant analysis of the Ti-V system
- Linear discriminant analysis of the Ti-Zr system of Pearce and Cann (1973)
- Quadratic discriminant analysis of the Ti-Zr system
- Linear discriminant analysis of the Ti-Zr-Y system of Pearce and Cann (1973)
- Quadratic discriminant analysis of the Ti-Zr-Y system
- Linear discriminant analysis of the Zr-Y-Nb system of Meschede (1986)
- Quadratic discriminant analysis of the Zr-Y-Nb system
- Linear discriminant analysis of the Th-Ta-Hf system of Wood (1980)
- Quadratic discriminant analysis of the Th-Ta-Hf system
- Linear discriminant analysis using Ti, Zr, Y and Sr
- Linear discriminant analysis using major element data
- Exhaustive exploration of all bivariate linear discriminant
analyses using only major elements
- Same as Figure 23, but for
quadratic discriminant analysis
- Matrices showing the performance of all possible bivariate
discriminant analyses using combinations of 45 elements
- Same as Figure 25, but for quadratic discriminant analysis
- Performance analysis of all possible ternary discriminant analyses
using TiO and other major element oxides
- Same as Figure 27, but using quadratic discriminant analysis
- Performance analysis of all possible ternary discriminant analyses
using Ti and other elements
- Same as Figure 29, but using quadratic discriminant analysis
- Best ternary linear discriminant analysis (using Si, Ti, and Sr)
- Linear discriminant analysis using Eu, Lu, and Sr
- Linear discriminant analysis using Ti, V and Sc
- Quadratic discriminant analysis using Na, Nb and Sr
- Quadratic discriminant analysis using Ti, V and Sm
- Illustration of the bias-variance tradeoff in a regression context
- The test data plotted on various versions of the Ti-V diagram
- The test data plotted on the Ti-Zr diagram
- The test data plotted on the Ti-Zr-Y diagram
- The test data plotted on the Nb-Zr-Y diagram
- The test data plotted on the Th-Ta-Hf diagram
- The test data plotted on the Si-Ti-Sr diagram
- The test data plotted on the Eu-Lu-Sr diagram
- The test data plotted on the Ti-V-Sc diagram
- The test data plotted on the Na-Nb-Sr diagram
- The test data plotted on the Ti-V-Sm diagram
Pieter Vermeesch