RadialPlotter can be run from the command line as follows:

java -jar path-to-program/RadialPlotter.jar

to which the following optional flags can be added:

in=path-to-file/input.csv loads input.csv into the program.

out=path-to-file/output.pdf saves the graphical output to a file named output.pdf and exits the program afterwards.

min=tm sets the minimum limit of the x-axis (density plots) and radial scale (radial plots) to tm.

max=tM sets the maximum limit of the x-axis (density plots) and radial scale (radial plots) to tM.

central=tc sets the central value of the radial scale to tc.

binwidth=width sets the binwidth of the sample histogram.

bandwidth=width sets the bandwidth of the Kernel Density Estimator.


java -jar RadialPlotter.jar in=/home/pieter/Namibia/NAM01.csv
→ Open NAM01.csv in RadialPlotter.

java -jar RadialPlotter.jar min=10 max=500 central=150 in=NAM02.csv
→ Open NAM02.csv in RadialPlotter, set the minimum value of the radial scale to 10, the central value to 150 and the maximum to 500.

java -jar RadialPlotter.jar min=0 max=1000 in=/home/pieter/Namibia/NAM01.csv out=/home/pieter/Desktop/NAM01dens.pdf
→ Open NAM01.csv, set the x-axis limits from 0 to 1000, and save the plot on the Desktop as NAM01dens.pdf

java -jar "/home/pieter/Programming/RadialPlotter/RadialPlotter.4.2.jar" binwidth=10 bandwidth=10 in=UPbdata.csv out=UPbdata.png
→ Open UPbdata.pdf in legacy version RadialPlotter.4.2.jar, set the histogram binwidth and KDE bandwidth to 10, send output to UPbdata.png. Note: in order to produce density estimates with RadialPlotter, be sure that the right output setting is given in the .radialplotter file. This can be done by running the program manually first, selecting all the right settings, and ticking the 'remember settings' box in the Settings menu.

Combining such commands in a batch file enables quick processing of large numbers of data files.